I. 17. The Royal Family drew strength and purity of the soul from Orthodox Faith

God’s precepts are the law of Family life from early childhood, joint prayer is mandatory in the morning and evening.

The Family loved to visit services in ordinary russian churches, where they were not wanted.

They carried inner light, not ostentatious, but quiet and modest. Faith helped them forgivingly and without any complaints to get over the hardest days of betrayals, imprisonment and die a martyr’s death.
They sang spiritual songs and prayed together until their very last days. 

The Royal Family, loyal to God and Russia to death, quietly ascended on Russian Calvary and defeated the forces of evil this way. With their Prayers we are alive.

Holy Royal Family teach us to love family, people, Russia and realize that salvation of Russia lies in good family and unity of russian people.

From tsarina Olga’s letter(from Tobolsk, 1918 year.):

«The Father asks to tell people... he has forgiven everyone. he is praying for everyone... and evil will not defeat evil, .. but love will».

«Isn’t it the echo of the words of the Savior, when he was nailed to the cross and he was praying: «Father, forgive them. They have no idea what they are doing»
- (Metropolitan Anthony Sourouzhsky).

During photo meeting devoted to the saint Royal Family on the summer playground in Zarechny in 2004 a group of children aged 10-14 asked a question: «Is it true, that if you do good things, you will lose your eyes?».

It turned out they watched some modern fairy tale on TV and made such a conclusion. The speaker answered to adults with the words of Tsar Nicholas: «Evil will not defeat evil, but love will». But she has nothing to say to children. And then half of the 30 children raise their hands and say, that we have to stop evil, even if you have no eyes, and may be we wouldn’t be all alive if Royal Family didn’t die for the sake of people and Russia.

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