Photo meeting concept "With love to Russia"

The Holy Royal Family is the image of Family,
the image of devotion to the people and to Russia.

"With love to Russia.

About Love according to God's commandments

to the family, to the people, to the country".

When millions of families are splitting up, thousands of the Royal Family's photographs, diaries, letters were opened in the archives.
Real people lived nearby.
Our purpose is not to praise the Royal Family - they are Saints already.
The future is not determined by economics or politics, but it is determined by morality - understanding of conscience, kindness, labor ideal ...
The Tsar and his Family life, their devotion to Russia give us the opportunity to understand the guidelines of Good and Evil.
They paid their lives to reveal: "God is Love" and "Love is stronger than death."
Our films, "With love for Russia", "The Family and Homeland from God" made with students from Zarechny, begin with the words:

"Let's think about it and understand how
the knowledge of the Holy Imperial Family can help us today".

The main idea of our photo meetings and movies is: 

This is the moral education of Russian family, Russian citizen and Russian patriot. The purpose is the future of Russia. Young people make the future.

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